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While many Brides-to-be could not be more excited and have a tonne of ideas for their big day, others don’t know where to start. You want to be married, and you’d love a good wedding, but having to plan it and sort it all out can be a little daunting. Here’s a guide to what you can do to make the whole process that little bit easier for you.
Consider Eloping
It might be a bit of an easy get-out option, but it’s one to consider. If you just want an intimate declaration of your vows without the attention of others then going away could be a much more appealing prospect than organising a wedding to try and please your friends and family. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get away and there are tonnes of options, too. A lot of the destination weddings come as packages meaning that there’s not much you have to sort out for yourself. Also, eloping doesn’t mean not inviting anyone; you could, of course, invite everyone and only the people who can afford it, have the holidays and really want to do it will attend – you can always have a party when you get back for the ones who can’t make it. You can also still participate in as much or as little of the traditional wedding activities are you want.
Ask For Help
Just because you’re the one getting married doesn’t mean you have to plan it all alone. If you have a friend or relative who is good at this kind of thing, then make the most of it. Tell them what you want, what you can do and the parts you really don’t want to do. Also, don’t feel alone in ‘not wanting to plan your wedding’, you’re not the only one, you’re not the first, and you won’t be the last. If you feel like you should be more excited and feel guilty for not wanting to plan a wedding then get yourself onto a wedding forum and reach out for people who think the same as you do. The internet is full of wonderful people just like you. Comment on their posts, send them private messages or start a post of your own to get started on the forums and don’t be shy.
Concentrate On The Bit You Do Like
It can be straightforward to find the negative parts and all the things you don’t want to do but why not try and focus on the positive aspects (no matter how small). It could be that you enjoy creating a seating plan, cake tasting or making the party playlist. Whatever it is, own it and enjoy it.
Use Experts
You’re lucky to be getting married in a time when wedding fairs and wedding planners are easily accessible and standard in the wedding industry. There are so many pros now who know precisely what they’re doing, even if it’s not to plan the whole thing, there are experts in wedding silhouette styles and what will suit you, there are experts in food, drinks, themes, room dressing, entertainment, everything! You’ll also be able to check them all out on the internet, read reviews and pick the one who gets you.
Try To Relax
If you’re not bothered about planning this wedding and you’re only going to do the bits you want to, then there’s no need to get stressed about it now is there?
Take some time for yourself, meditate, practice mindfulness, enjoy yoga or go for a massage. Whatever it is that relaxes you, make time for it and don’t feel guilty.
Remember What It’s All About
Don’t forget what you’re doing it all for. You’ve met someone who you love; you want to be with them and commit to a lifelong romantic partnership with them. Your family and friends are happy for you and want to celebrate with you, plus you’ll be gaining a whole gang of new family and friends once you tie the knot. It’s going to be fantastic, it will all come together and be a wonderful celebration of love and unity. Don’t get bogged down with the little details if they’re not for you, just focus on you and your partner, what you both want and what makes you happy. Start your married life as you mean to go on, enjoy yourselves and have fun!